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The Saint-Petersburg Society of Naturalists (SPSN)
Commission on Ecological Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the
Russian Mineralogical Society (CEMGCh RMS)

The 1st International Symposium

"Life and Rocks: Bio-Inert Interactions"

June 25-27, 2002

Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Registration form (Word97 document, ZIP archive): download


The mere word "stone" is -a habitual symbol of the inert, nonliving matter. But in fact interactions between Alive and. Inert, between Life and Rock are quite complex and multiform. The living matter appears on the base of the inert one, and the stone gives rise to the life. From their side; the living beings often generate the mineral aggregates and/or become completely transformed into the rock. The Symposium is initiated by the oldest Russian scientific societies with one principal target - the teamwork analysis of the scope of processes within interaction between natural biological and mineralogical systems, the analysis carried out by specialists acting in various fields of biology and the Earth's sciences.

The Symposium program will be focused upon the following topics:

1. Biogenic mineral and rock-forming processes.
2. Bioorganic alteration of rocks and minerals.
3. Minerals and rocks as the factors predetermining appearance and evolution of biological species.
4. Effects of minerals and rocks upon the living organisms.
5. Fossilization and lithification of living organisms.
6. Biodeterioration of the stone-built monuments of the culture: methods of analysis and protection.
7. Monitoring of the stone-built monuments of Arts and architecture in Saint-Petersburg.
8. Ecological mineralogy: its objects, techniques, experience in teaching

Excursions during the Symposium time:

1. Natural stone in the Arts and architecture monuments of Saint-Petersburg.
2. Geological and biological museums of Saint-Petersburg

Post-Symposium field trips:

Trip #1. The life and rocks of the Valaam archipelago (trip at Valaam island) - 2 days

Trip #2. Tracks of the most ancient life at the Earth (the tour over South Karelia: Petrozavodsk - Kizhy - Sundozero - Girvas - Kivach - Petrozavodsk) - 2 days

Trip #3. On the Paleozoic sea bottom (fossils of the Ordovician and Devonian in Leningrad region) - 2 days

Trip #4. Natural stone in monuments of the ancient Russia architecture (Staraya Ladoga, Novgorod, Pskov) - 3 days

Requirements for the preparation of the abstracts:

The abstract must be clearly printed in English or/and in Russian, up to 2 A4 size pages in volume, one interval between lines, type font Times New Roman (12 pts); width of margins: left and right - 2.5 cm, upper and under - 3.0 cm. The abstract should include the title (capital, bold), the next line - family name and initials of the authors (bold), the next line - organization, city, and country, then-blank line; and the text. The abstracts must be submitted both in hard copy and on floppy disk, or by E-mail.

The Symposium Working Languages:

Russian and English.

Registration Fees:

Foreign participants - 100$US (Visa support)

Dates to remember:

April 2001 - the First Announcement distribution
December 2001 - the Final Announcement to be distributed
March 31, 2002 - deadline for submission of abstracts
June 25-27, 2002 - the Symposium Events and Sessions
June 28-30, 2002 - post-Symposium field trips

Address for communication:

The Saint-Petersburg Society of Naturalists (SPSN), Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St-Petersburg, 199034
Telephone: (812)-328-95-30 Fax: (812)-328-95-30

Organizing Committee: A.K. Dondua (president), A.G. Bulakh, D.Yu. Vlasov, M. Vendrell, N.N. Verzilin, H. Viles, V.V. Gavrilenko, A.A. Gorbushina, J. Delgado-Rodrigues, W.E. Krumbain, A.V. Lapo, L.K. Panina, E.G. Panova (scient. Secretary), V.A. Rudnik, S.M. Soukhardjevski, V. Fassina, O.V. Frank-Kamenetskaya.

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